
My project selected among 15 proposed

After a pitch of 2 minutes Battle Royal, then 10 minutes, my project was approved to lead to a vertical slice.

Team composed of five students :Marie Andreucci (myself), Laura Bahuaud (2D artist & animator), Nicolas Mariuzza (3D artist), Benoît Sena (lead developer and game designer) and Yohan Violes (developer and sound designer)

Creative director

  • Define in detail what the game going to be : gameplay, art, script and game feel

  • Ensure game's good direction

  • Listen and inspire team respecting their differences

  • Rework design to ensure feasability

  • Give objective feebacks on prototype's lastest additions

  • Assist centers who were flounder in their task's

Post Mortem

Design and supervise a project with a team was an incredible experience that I aspire to repeat. As I am versatile, I strive to understand contraints in every center and so to optimize the project and productions. I do appreciate a lot the human and creative side of this role.

Each person capacity were very disparate. Indeed, some members assume a role that they wanted to discover. This has needed empirical learning just as personal researches on certain aspect of this project.

Project manager

  • Plan long, medium and short term goals

  • Organize meeting twice a week to define goals with the team

  • Anticipate difficulties and solve issues encounter by team

  • Adjust plannings according to project advancement and capacity, time, person and ressource factor

  • Exchange with different center to take decisions for good of the project

  • Implementation of Agile approach and tools for the management of the project

Post Mortem

Managing this project was quite challenging because our schedules were very different. Some were in an internship, others had part-time odd job (they were tell a few hours before their work), which force me to adapt plannings to person.

My personal planning was also very busy. I was in intern all day from monday to wednesday and thursday and friday evenings after class from 6 pm to 10 pm. This ask me to have a very rigorous schedule so I fulfill poperly my responsabilities.

First prototype fell behind in production. A delay that we had in part recitify by priorotizing vital task and optimize team's work. We had produice a satisfactory playable prototype because of our backlog. Few weeks would be necessary to have a finished work.

Communication manager

  • Define and understand our target via personas

  • Marketing analyze of market (PEST, business intelligence, SWOT matrix)

  • Define communication channels in line with our target

  • Manage and supervise communication's team productions

  • Plan and budget the communication

  • Ensure communication's actions coherence.

Post Mortem

With communication team, we enjoyed a lot to exchange and invent our communication. We had different formats, dev blogs explaining our work, little comic strip like our pungent humor and screens/gif/videos about game development.



Exchange by email

Let's talk together

+336 25 70 63 88/a>